Many individuals and families who come to Community Housing Innovations for shelter have lost everything and show up with nothing more than the clothes on their backs.
Fortunately, each year dozens of individuals, businesses and faith-based and community organizations donate a variety of goods or services for those housed in Community Housing Innovations shelters. Around the holidays, for example, gifts are brought in for children who otherwise might have none. Food is donated for festive dinners for those who have no other place to go. Gift cards in small denominations help families purchase toiletries and other household items.
Community Housing Innovations happily accepts in-kind donations all year round for our clients. These items are always in need:
Like any gift, an in-kind donation will be acknowledged with a receipt/letter. Please note, we define the item but we do not estimate the fair market value of the in-kind donation. Speak with your tax professional about using this as a charitable deduction.
If you would like to make a financial gift, please: